B i o g r a p h y
Saxophone, classical music, chamber music…and an urge to tell the world about it all
In the early 1980’s Kasper Hemmer Pihl (b. 1967) fell for the charme, good looks and energy of the saxophone, omnipresent in popular music back then. Over time though he drifted from pop, jazz and funk to classical music.
He trained as classical saxophonist at The Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus (DK) with Per Egholm and Merete Hoffmann and did further studies with Arno Bornkamp, Christer Johnsson, Kyle Horch and Carina Raschèr.
In 1996 he co-founded the Jutlandia Saxophone Quartet which has since been his musical base since, although being active in many other ensembles and collaborations.
Spreading the word has been important too; from 1993-1997 Kasper Hemmer Pihl was editor of the magazine “Saxofonbladet” and from 2006-07 senior editor of “Nordisk Saxofontidsskrift” (‘Nordic Saxophone Magazine’). He is giving lectures about the saxophone (and more) as well as teaching saxophone at Kolding School of Music and saxophone pedagogy at The Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus.
Kasper Hemmer Pihl plays Buescher saxophones from the 1920's and 1930's.